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Spring Cleaning for Health

Spring has sprung and now that the holidays have passed we can focus on the rest of that spring cleaning.  Now that your curtains are washed and you’ve aired out the house, it’s time to think about you.  Spring is a time for new beginnings and a great time  for “detox”.  I’m not talking about some dangerous starvation diet where you only drink lemonade for a week.  I’m talking about cleaning up your diet and eating habits.  Eating “clean” means real unprocessed food, food that contributes to your well being, not poisons you.

Here are some Tips:

  1. Clean out the fridge!  That wilty lettuce is not helping you and neither is that leftover pizza.
  2. Thin out your pantry.  If it has more ingredients than you have cousins it’s probably not a good choice.  If you can’t pronounce what’s in your health bar look for another one.
  3. Clean out your closet.  Remove all items that don’t look great on you. If it’s a special item put it away but don’t leave it hanging in the closet.  If it doesn’t fit you it will just depress you. Think of all the new clothes you’ll be able to buy later.
  4. Reduce clutter in the kitchen so you can make fast , delicious and stress free meals.
  5. Consider a cleanse.  This is a short stint of time where you only consume anti-inflammatory or easily digestible foods.  For an excellent cleanse check out the Dr Oz weekend cleanse.  To get you started here’s my green smoothie recipe.

Green Smoothie Mojito

½ Granny Smith apple             Handful of mint

½ green pear                           Juice of one lime

Pinch of parsley                       2 kale leaves

½ a banana                             sweeten to taste with honey

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