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Oral Cancer Screenings & 'Stop Smoking' Resolutions

When the clock struck midnight on December 31, 2017, many people announced a list of things they'd like to change: lose weight, start saving money, make a career change. Many also vowed to stop smoking.

You already know it's terrible for you lungs. But did you know that smoking also is the leading cause of oral cancer?

The American Dental Association's offers valuable information on what to do when you're trying to quit smoking. Still unsure if you REALLY want to stop? Consider that tobacco can:

  • Staining teeth and tongue
  • Dulling/deaden your sense of smell and taste
  • Slow the healing process after tooth extraction or other surgeries/mouth injuries
  • Increase your chance of gum disease
  • Increase your chance of oral cancer

 As you move toward quitting, be sure to develop a plan and support network to help you along the way. Some tips:

  • Exercise takes you away from environments where people may be smoking, or where you used to smoke.
  • Tell people you're quitting, so they can help you stick to your plan and keep you accountable.
  • Chew sugarless gum to keep your mouth busy. 
  • Speak to a therapist if you feel uncontrollable urges or depression after quitting.
  • Speak to your doctor and your dentist to see if medications are available that would help you to stop using tobacco. 

Bottom line: A smoke-free environment is healthier for you and for those around you. Make a plan to quit, stick to it and start living a healthier life.

The Oral Cancer Foundation notes that “mouth cancer will be newly diagnosed in about 100 new individuals each day in the U.S. alone, and a person dies from oral cancer every hour of every day.”  The death rate for oral cancers is higher than that of most other types of cancers; only about 57% of oral cancer patients will be alive in five years. Early detection and treatment are critical.

Please contact Southfield Family Dental Center  at (248) 569-6304 to schedule your next dental exam. Be sure to ask about the $35 exam and X-rays for new patients! 

For more information and free resources on how to quit, visit

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