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Keeping Teeth Straight After Braces and How to Maintain Your Teeth

Braces are one type of orthodontic treatment that drastically improves the appearance of your smile. However, it is important to know that your treatment plan is not over after your braces are removed. This is when you enter what is called the retainment period of your treatment plan. During this phase, you will need to give your teeth further support to keep them from moving back into their original positions.

Wear Your Retainer According to the Recommended Schedule

When your braces are removed, you will likely be given a special retainer to wear during certain parts of the day. It is common to need to wear your retainer for the majority of the day at first. Then, most people eventually move to wearing theirs only at night. Although retainers can be uncomfortable, it is important to wear it exactly as prescribed so that your teeth begin to accept the new positioning as permanent.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Once your teeth are straight, there are still things that can alter their positions. For instance, gum disease or a serious cavity can lead to tooth loss. Failing to replace the missing tooth with a restoration can lead to the other teeth shifting in the mouth to close in the gap. Therefore, sticking to your regular brushing and flossing routine while getting exams and cleanings is the best way to avoid having your teeth fall out of alignment.

Now that you love your smile, make sure to maintain it by being careful to wear your retainer. Then, brush your teeth and avoid harmful habits such as chewing on hard objects to keep that smile bright and straight for a lifetime.

If you're looking a dental hygienist, contact the team at Southfield Family Dental Center today! From dental crowns to teeth whitening to general dentistry– We can help!

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