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3 Symptoms of Gingivitis

Oral health and care of our teeth become more important as we age, especially for people who develop diabetes and those who take certain medications like channel blockers and anti-convulsants. If you are concerned about the health of your gums, it is a good idea to visit your dentist to see if you have gingivitis. The treatment of gingivitis is much more effective when it begins in the earliest stages of the disease.

3 Common Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease and Gingivitis

Are you experiencing pain or tenderness in your gums? You may be developing a gum disease called gingivitis that can worsen over time if not treated quickly and effectively. Anyone who is suffering from these 3 common symptoms of gingivitis should schedule a visit to the dentist right away!

  • Gums that are pulling away from your teeth - while it is normal to have pockets between your teeth and gums, anything greater than 1-3 millimeters is cause for concern. 
  • Pain when chewing - gingivitis can cause an extreme amount of sensitivity in your gums that makes it difficult to chew. If you find yourself avoiding chewing on certain sides or areas of your mouth, you should have your gums checked out as soon as possible.
  • Bad breath that remains even after you have brushed your teeth - this is a sign of gingivitis that can occur after the earliest stages of the disease. If you are experiencing foul breath that does not go away, even after brushing, it is time to visit the dentist and have them check for gingivitis.

Treatment for gingivitis is most effective in the earliest stages of the disease, and when it is left untreated, painful surgery can sometimes be necessary. it is always best practice to visit the dentist on a regular basis for a check-up and thorough cleaning. Don't let gingivitis get worse and become even more detrimental to your overall wellbeing.

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