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3 Reasons to Visit Your Dentist Twice a Year

Dental Checkup

If you stopped a person on the street and asked, “Hey, how often are you supposed to go to the dentist?” the odds are good that he/she will say, “Twice a year.” But if you ask that same person, “How often do YOU go to the dentist?” you might hear: “It’s none of your business,” or maybe, “Not enough.” We all know the importance of regular dental checkups, yet for many reasons, so many of us fail to make that appointment every six months. There are many reasons we should get our teeth cleaned twice a year, but the following three are especially important.

Remove plaque and tartar build-up

The foods and drinks you consume each day leave behind particles that turn into plaque. When the plaque mixes with the bacteria in your saliva, it forms an acid that can strip away the enamel on your teeth. While daily brushing and flossing help to remove some of this plaque build-up, it’s impossible for you to reach everything. The plaque that gets left behind hardens into tartar which can only be removed by a dentist or dental hygienist. Since tartar build-up is a leading cause of tooth decay and gum disease, you can save yourself a lot of pain and money by having a dentist remove it twice a year.

Check for cavities and potential problems

Many people avoid check-ups because they are afraid to learn they have a cavity. But when cavities are left untreated, they can lead to tooth loss and other issues that can be expensive to correct. It's much better to fix a small cavity - which your dentist will be able to find when you come for regular check-ups - before it becomes a big problem!  

Keep your gums healthy and your smile bright

When you come for your cleaning, the hygienist will gently buff the surface of your teeth to remove any stains. This buffing also removes harmful particles and makes your smile brighter and shinier. The hygienist or dentist also will thoroughly inspect your gums for signs of gingivitis and other damaging infections that could lead to serious problems.  

You only get one set of teeth, and it pays to take good care of them. By scheduling a dental check-up every six months, you can be sure that your mouth is healthy and protected from damaging plaque and tartar buildup. If you’re overdue for a dental checkup, make an appointment at our office today!

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